Rethinking Life


It is time to grow! 😀

It has been wonderful setting the foundation with all of you and our monthly scheduled topics. It is nice to share our work and our passion for peace and love AND we need to work to spread peace in our communities and around the world. It is time to do more!

We will be introducing more challenges, ways to get involved and asking you questions. Imagine if we all contribute our ideas and can act upon them to actually make a difference in achieving peace!

We will continue to have scheduled topics and of course accept general peace related art at any time.


Remember just blog as you normally would and then email a link to your post to artists4peaceproject@gmail.com for consideration!

Don’t forget to send in your submissions for April.


How does language influence peace?

Submission Deadline April 1st

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About irinadim

Kookaburra sweet, you neither chirp nor tweet. Your laughter is much like mine, my cackle is much like thine. We are two sister souls, one clad in feathers, the other in clothes. ~ Irina ~ I’m a budding blogger. Poetry and photography are my newest passions, living in perfect harmony inspiring each other. I like both free verse and form poetry and am quite proud to let you know that I am the creator of a new form named ‘tercetonine’. Blog Name: Irina's Poetry Corner Blog URL: http://irinadim.com
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2 Responses to EXCITING changes coming to ARTISTS4PEACE…READ ON…

  1. Thank you so much:)

    Liked by 1 person

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